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A legacy brand in the coffee sector wanted a transformational category design to regain their relevance and share.  


We analyzed reams of research on consumer perceptions and behaviors and strategized an alternative approach to the over-emphasis on the top brand employed by most food and mass retailers. We found that retailers were under-leveraging loyalty across the category by focusing only on the top brand, and we designed a brand neighborhood approach that celebrated the unique attributes of all brands including legacy/familiar and new emerging brands. 

This approach was packaged in a fun and interactive presentation to help retailers see a new vision and a new financial value. 


Total Time 10 weeks 

Research Analysis/Synthesis > Innovation Strategy > Experience Design > Sell-In


The reinvention has earned the brand multiple stores in market test and increased share of space and visual store presence.  

Earned multiple test stores


Increased share of space


©2020 by Retaility Group. 

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