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Major player in the spirits category wanted a design solution that would improve spirits category performance, maintain their share of space versus challenger brands, and enhance their relationship value with retailers. 


We scoured the client’s existing research and mashed it up with our knowledge of growing consumer desires for creative self-expression and food/beverage competency. 


Importantly, we developed a design strategy that focused on improved quality not increased quantity of spirits drinking, in order to gain acceptance from retailers as a viable go-to-market message. 

3 experiential design platforms were created with in-store and e-commerce linkage. The experiences brought the “aisles of bottles” to life, engaging shoppers and enabling them to be more creative and to become more fluent with the products. New products, old favorites, trial sizes and inspiration were combined to make the category “the oasis in the store” that consumer research showed was wanted. 


We also crafted a research model that would allow each major retailer to identify the optimal platform based on their competitive position. This was included in a sell-in package that included a size-of-the-prize financial opportunity, key insights and design platforms. A design process was crafted that allowed for collaborative design between our team and the retailer’s marketing, design and operations teams.   


Total Time 12 weeks 

Research Analysis > Innovation Strategy > Experience Design > Sell-In


Several prototype stores are in market testing, while our client has earned back share of shelf and new product space.   

Earned back share of shelf


Procured new product space

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